Numerical and Experimental Study of the Performance of Electromagnetic Flowmeter in Annular Flow

Pages:   122 - 136


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  Ihsaan Nadhum Jawaad   |      Muneer A. Ismael   |   


The present numerical and experimental work investigates the performance of an electromagnetic flowmeter (EMF) for measuring the flow rate of annular flow. Adaptive finite difference technique is used for the numerical calculations and the experimental work is done by making some modifications to an existing electromagnetic flowmeter and its testing rig. The performance of the modified EMF is evaluated using two criteria namely, the flowmeter sensitivity S and the conventional weight function nonuniformity ε. These two criteria were checked against two parameters; thickness of flowing water (δ) and the electrodes angular position (θe). Experimentally, three different water thickness (δ/Ro = 0.216, 0.373, 0.218) and three electrode position (θe = 0, 11.25, 45) were studied. The theoretical and experimental results have shown that these devices work properly in the annular flow case, where the most suitable electrode position in the annular flow was found to be in the conventional position (θe = 0).