lmprovement·ofGasoli'iie·octane Number Produced from Basrah Refinery Plant by new Additives
Pages: 70 - 76
A. Z. Raheem |
M.M. Alfaize |
H.A. Mehdi |
Basrah Refinery Plant produces recently gasoline with low octane number reached to 75.5, 69.0 for
leaded and unleaded gasoline respectively. These fuel causes severe damage to engines and also causes barl.
fuel combustion which increases air pollution due to the high percentage of [CO] and [C02] in the exhaust
In !his research it is tried to improve the gasoline octane number by new chemical additives [aromatic·
hydrocarbons, aliphatic and eromatic amines] with different percentages in gasoline .
This kinds of additives can also be used as antioxidants, antirust and anticorrosion which reduces the
total amount of chemicals added to gasoline.
The better results obtained with aromatic amines as chemical additives which <:a.used increasing in
OCl.a!le number up to (95-5, 88 .. O] for leaded and unleaded gasoline respectively.
The percentages of (CO] and [COi] gases formed after combustion are measured by orsat analysis
based on dry analyses