The Effect of Adding ZrO2-Cu Coating on the Physical Properties of Aluminum Matrix Composites

Pages:   43 - 49


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  ABDUL KAREEM FLAIH HASSAN   |      Nuha Hadi Jasim   |   


In this study, the powder metallurgy technique was used to prepare the composite materials using the aluminum powder as the basis metal, with the additions of the 2, 4, and 6 % Wt. of ZrO2-Cu coating and mixing it manually for 15 minutes at (30 - 32 C). Then the mixture is compacted at pressure 320 MPa and sintering at 640 C in the atmosphere furnace with argon gas protection. The physical properties include the green density, sintering density, porosity, and microstructure were examined for the prepared samples. An X-ray analyzer was used to identify the phase changes in order to find the chemical reaction which can be excepted occurred in the sintering samples. The result of X-Ray diffraction shows that there is new phase exist after sintering for all weight percentage.