Implementation and Design of Fuzzy Supervisory Controller for Mobile Robot Manipulator

Pages:   1 - 7


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  Ramzy S. Ali   |      Ammar A. Aldair   |      Ali K. Almousawi   |   


The Mobile Manipulator Robot (MMR) has many applications in different aspects of life, for example, grasping and transporting, mining, military, manufacturing, construction, and others. The benefits of MMR rise in a dangerous place where the human cannot reach such as disaster areas and dangerous projects sites. In this work, the PID controller is combined with the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) to structure the Fuzzy Supervisory Controller (FSC) to overcome the drawbacks of the PID controller and to obtain the advantages of FLC. Two approaches are suggested for the navigation of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR). These are; goal-reaching fuzzy control (GRFC) and obstacle avoidance fuzzy control (OAFC). The hardware implementation of the AMR is performed using an AVR ATmega32 microcontroller, two DC motors, a light-dependent resistor (LDR), and five InfraRed sensors. While the Laboratory robot arm with some fabrications is used as a manipulator's arm with five degrees of freedom. Then a microcontroller is employed to implement the proposed controller for MMR. The designed MMR is tested in real environments and gives good navigation.