Study the Local Scour around different Shapes of Non-Uniform Piers

Pages:   12 - 14


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  Saja I. Ahmed   |      Saleh I. Khassaf   |   


One of the major causes of serious damage to the bridge is scoured around bridge foundations. In this study, the effect of main parameters (pier shapes, foundations shapes, level of foundation, flow intensity, and Froude number) on local scour with different shapes of non-uniform piers were experimentally investigated. The runs that occurred for three foundation shapes include (rectangular, oblong, and hexagonal), the depth of foundation in this study was 8 cm. The shapes of piers used in this study were (rectangular, oblong, and hexagonal). The results display that the depth of scour depends on the foundation level, shape of pier and foundation. The best foundation shape which gives minimum scour, was hexagonal, oblong, and rectangular shape, respectively. The results also display that positioning of foundation below bed level, leads to less values of scour depth around bridge pier. Also, the best shape of the pier that leads to minimum scour is hexagonal pier because it has minimum exposed area.