Polygon Shape Formation for Multi-Mobile Robots in a Local Knowledge Environment

Pages:   39 - 46


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  Abdulmuttalib T. Rashid   |      Abduladhem A. Ali   |   


The formation is an important task in multi-mobile robots coordination in a defined environment. In a local knowledge environment the multi-mobile robot formations are realized using small robots with minor hardware requirements. The localization, path planning and obstacle avoidance processes are required to perform formation. In this paper a static strategy for polygon shape formation is implemented using a several number of mobile robots. This strategy has a better efficiency, since it use the cluster matching algorithm instead of the triangulation algorithm in completing the formation. Also, the visibility binary tree algorithm and the reciprocal orientation algorithm are used in this paper. This strategy has better performance in the multi-robot formation, since it use the cluster matching algorithm instead of the triangulation algorithm.