Optimal Fuzzy-Immune Fractional PID Control Scheme for Path Tracking of Robot manipulator

Pages:   1 - 14


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  Woorod A. Shutnan   |      Turki Y.Abdalla   |   


This paper explains a new control structure based on the artificial immune system, Fuzzy and fractional order PID control schemes. In this paper immune feedback control system, Fuzzy logic and fractional order control schemes will be combined and optimized using clonal selection algorithm. Fuzzy-immune fractional order PID Control schemes will be used as a new controller for path tracking of the robot manipulator. The performance of the proposed control scheme is compared with fuzzy-immune PID control schemes. The parameters of fractional PID and conventional PID controllers are optimized using Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA). Simulation results state that optimal Fuzzy-immune fractional PID is better than optimal fuzzy-immune PID Control schemes for path tracking problem under the same condition. All control schemes were tested using SIMULINK under MATLAB2014a.