A New Fuzzy-NARMA L2 Controller Design for Active Suspension System

Pages:   43 - 50


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  Imad A. Kheioon   |      Basil Sh. Munahi   |      Ali H. Abdulaali   |   


This paper is concerned with the design of a new controller for active suspension system. The model is considered as a quarter-car. The presented controller depends on the fuzzy technique and NARMA-L2 linearization algorithm. The compensation system that added by the fuzzy rules improves the performance of the controller, while the neural network produces the required control signal. The new controller can achieve an improvement of the ride comfort with a reasonable value of power consumption. The mathematical analysis of the mechanical power used by the model is focused on the average and the RMS of the power supplied to the system, regardless of the frequency content of the vibration signal. The simulation results which are verified by a practical examples of road profiles, demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed controller.