Fast Combined Decimal/Binary Multiplier Based on Redundant BCD 4221-8421Digit Recoding

Pages:   40 - 47


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  Mohammed Nabil   |      Fatemah K Al-Assfor   |      Mohammed A. Al-Ebadi   |   


Many applications consider floating point arithmetic as a key component of the computations. Combined decimal/binary arithmetic becomes an important topic supports high speed decimal/binary applications. A new 64-bit (16×16 digit) combined decimal/binary multiplier is proposed and implemented in this work that can be used for both fused multiply add (FMA) and multiplier unit. A new partial products reduction tree is shared between decimal and binary multiplier unit. The valuation and comparison result between the proposed multiplier and the previous most recent works shows 4.66 % less delay than combined decimal/binary multiplier and 19.33 % less delay than fastest standalone decimal multiplier.