Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow Through Horizontal Wellbore of the 180 Perforation Phasing

Pages:   9 - 19


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  Mohammed A. Mustafa   |      Qais A. Rishack   |      Mohammed A. Abdulwahid   |   
doi: https://doi.org/10.33971/bjes.22.1.2


This paper demonstrates experimental and numerical studies to investigate in perforation pipes with a phasing 180° and perforation densities 9 spm in a horizontal wellbore. The experimental study was conducted to investigate the phasing angle 180° in a horizontal wellbore. The wellbore has an inner diameter of 44 mm, as well as the length of the pipe is 2 m. For this purpose, a simulation model was created in the wellbore using the ANSYS FLUENT simulation software by using the standard k-