Speed Estimation of DTC Induction Motor Using Single Current Sensor Based on WavenetTheory
Pages: 27 - 38
Majid A. Alwan1 |
Jassim ¥· Abdul-Jabbar |
Adel Ahmed,Qbed |
In this paper induction motor and its direct torque control are simulated and a ~
estimator scheme based on wavenet (WN) theory has been developed and compatriot with. the
actual .speed. The wavenet speed estimator inputs are a single line current and the state of the
torque comparative output which are trained to follow the relationship between the motor
current and the rotor speed. To ensure the validity of this scheme, the estimated speed is
compared with a speed estimated from a conventional model reference adaptive system
(MRAS). The operation of direct torque control (OTC) drive with the actual speed and the
estimated wavenet speed as a feedback signal are simulated and compared. The results show
that the wavenet method is effective for rotor speed estimation.