Pages:   100 - 109


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  C. A. Aayaus   |   


The main objects of this investigation are to obtain convenient expressions for the estimution of discharge cocfficient for submerge flow over concave and convex semivirele shape crested weirs, Sixteen weir models were constructed and tested. thesewnodels were classified into four groups. The first and second groups were of single cycles having concave and convex shapes, respectively, with curvature radius of 15cm.The third and forth groups were of double cycles having concave and convex shapes, respectively, with curvature radius of 7.5¢m.ln each group the weir height, p was varied four times 10cm, 7.3m, Sen and 2.Sem ‘Based on results of this study it was found tha! for constant weir radius, R, the discharge coefficient, Cd, imcrenses with the increase in the relative upsiream head, h’p, while, for constant upstream bead, weirs of small heights give higher discharge coefficient than those of large height .Two general expressions were obtained for the estimatian of Cd as function af,relative upstream head ,bip, and relative radius,R/P, one expression for single and double cycle concave submerged weirs and the uther for convex submerged weirs.