Characteristics of Raw Domestic Sewage for Basrah City

Pages:   60 - 71


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  Risala A. Mohammed   |      Alia A. Mohammed   |      Ibtihal H. Hassan   |   


The analysis of raw domestic sewage has greater importance for the design of effective and economically rational sewage treatment. The objectives of this study are to determine the chemical, physical and Biochemical characteristics of raw domestic sewage for Basrah city. Results show that; the strength of Basrah raw domestic sewage can be classified as a strong strength concentration wastewater due to high levels of organic loading rate BOD5, COD. Also, it can be seen a very high concentration of TDS, CL- and an increase in EC levels above the typical limits due to the salinity of the domestic water supply in Basrah. High concentrations of oil and grease were found as a result of misuse of the sewerage system. While the values of pH, temperature, nutrients, and the number of FC are within the typically acceptable limits.